Titles and awards

Titles and awards

In 2019, at the XLII International Congress of the International Organization for Education and Medical Research (IOCIM), the Metatron hardware and software system with Intruder software won an award in the Medical Innovation category.

In 2019, the Institute of Practical Psychophysics, founded by Vladimir I. Nesterov, received the THE BIZZ BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARD from the World Business Association, Houston.

In 2016, the All-Russian Committee for Public Awards and Titles nominated the Institute of Practical Psychophysics for the Heritage of Russia award.

In 2013, the Socrates Nomination Committee presented the Institute of Practical Psychophysics to the international award “BEST ENTERPRISES” (reg.№2401351), and the founder of the Institute Vladimir I. Nesterov - to be awarded a special distinction “BEST MANAGER OF THE YEAR” ("BEST TOP-MANAGER OF THE YEAR").

In 2012, the professional, research and cultural and educational activities of the team under the leadership of Vera Ivanovna Nesterova were nominated for the «European Quality Award».

In 2012, the Nominating Committee named after Socrates (EuroScience Open Forum) presented Vladimir I. Nesterov to the honorary award “The Name in Science” with the presentation of a diploma and a badge “For contribution to world science” on a blue ribbon and entering the name into the World Register of Outstanding Scientists.

In 2009, the All-Russian Committee for Public Awards and Titles highly appreciated the activities of the enterprise headed by Vera I. Nesterova aimed at the development and implementation of innovative medical technologies, the personal contribution of Vera I. Nesterova to strengthening the economic power, prosperity and well-being of Russia, honored her with a high title and an award - the Highest Order of Public Recognition "Honorary Citizen of Russia".

September 19, 2005 Vera I. Nesterova was elected a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences. For outstanding achievements in the field of medical science, for the development of a method of nonlinear (NLS) diagnostics, Academician Vladimir Nesterov was awarded the silver medal of the Academy "For the development of medicine and health care" by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS).

For the creation of the Metatron apparatus by the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions, Vladimir I. Nesterov was awarded the A.S. Popov medal.

September 19, 2005 Vladimir I. Nesterov was elected a full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences.