The WellBeing program is the latest development of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics in the field of nonlinear analysis of dysfunctional changes in the organism and assessment of health reserves.

Demonstration of the original WellBeing program

Институт прикладной психофизики представляет свою новейшую разработку - аппаратно-программный комплекс "Метатрон" с программным обеспечением "Intruder", кото...

Дата загрузки:2018-10-25T00:00:00

This technology allows us to understand the nature of the multidimensional human organism with unlimited potential for healing and development. The main thing is to connect a person's own reserves to combat external and pathogenic influences, training the protective functions of the organism, and not weakening them.

The hardware-software system "Metatron" with the "WellBeing" program allows to establish the actual etiological aspects (helminth, microbial, fungal, viral factors, allergens, heavy metals and radionuclides), allows to form an adequate correction program using homeopathic, phyto-remedies, nutraceuticals and foodstuffs, to carry out with the help of the system in real time the correction of the functional state of a certain organ or tissue through the optimization of their entropy-informational balance.

The WellBeing program, which combines new developments from the West and thousands of years of experience from the East, includes an assessment of energy centers, chakras, 14 Chinese meridians, acupuncture points on the extremities, auricle, and fiducial points on the iris of the eye.


The model of the hardware and software system "Metatron" with software "WellBeing" is optimal in terms of its functionality, configuration and cost, unites all new developments of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics:

12-point Fleindler scale, which allows assessing catabolic processes.
A new form of visualization of the affected area (entrovisor) - solid fill in accordance with the Fleindler scale.
Pseudo-3D visualization system, more than 100 new organ models.
New version of the report form (protocol).
Automatic generation of a report (protocol).
Function of quick selection of standard sections.
Classification of process stages in entropy analysis.
Graphical display of the type of etalons according to the criteria: anabolic / catabolic and dry / neutral / wet.
mproved mathematical model of data processing from the apparatus.
Improved algorithms for localization of lesions, taking into account the type of process (anabolic / catabolic).
A new system for assessing tissue proliferation in patients at a young age.
Backing up the patient database to external media (flash drives, external hard drives);

Saving an automatically generated report (Smart Report) to a PDF file and writing it to external media.

This NLS-diagnosis is prenosological, that is, it is able to determine the pathological process at an early stage of its development using such a function as entropy analysis.

The diagnostic system allows one to assess the level of internal entropy of a biological object and simulate in time all possible phase states from the most stable to the most unstable, expressing them in terms of the values ​​of the statistical coefficients of the Fleindler color-coded scale.

The system makes it possible to assess the effect of nutrition and the state of the environment on the functional state of the organism. The influence of various biological stresses is taken into account, which, as a rule, is not taken into account by clinicians. NLS-systems not only determine them in a given patient as one of the factors of the disease, but also have the ability to eliminate them.

In information medicine, the goal of treatment is not to achieve a neutral state, but to acquire optimal health by a person, in which the quality of life changes and a person lives fully, using all the capabilities of his body and mind.


* Separate versions of this program have been created, specialized for the market of Japan and China, with support for the corresponding languages ​​and a national base of etalons.